It is very easy, when you do something day in and day out to get lost in it. To take it for granted, to forget how deeply special and sacred it is. When we are in our lives, zoomed in on the daily details, rolled up in the emotions of our existence, we can truly miss the things that make our living magical. My work is no different. I am human, I am intrinsically flawed just like every other person on the planet, and into our flaws we often slip, like the cracks the sand seeps into until they're full and we realize we've been laser focused on what is directly in front of us.
I no longer believe that the New Year can provide a sublime point in the year where we are all suddenly, literally overnight going to get our shit together. I did when I was younger and with age and time comes the understanding that deep and meaningful change takes time, perspective and zooming out. That is what I think points in time like New Years can provide. A standing reminder to zoom out, take stock and reflect.
It gives us the moment to stop our running, our continuous push toward the societal markers of success that we are all moving toward, but seem to be scuttling farther and farther beyond the initial finish line. In my pausing as 2024 wraps up, I have noticed my hyper-focus on my day-to-day. My lack to presence in my body and mind as I move through, because that's what I've been doing, moving through, not stopping and savoring, not taking in the small magic moments that present themselves daily.
So in this relflection, this moment of holding the mirror up to myself and seeing all of the beautifully crafted lines of success, failure and opportunity, I accept them all. I invite you to do the same. Accept the good, the bad and the opportunistic lines in your reflection. Move forward with the focus, the determination to do better at zooming out, pausing, relishing in your life. Not just the things that demand attention or shove themeselves into your awareness. Instead of a resolution, set a focus, something that you can take actionable steps toward. Define what that focus is for yourself and start moving toward it, knowing that it will take time, you will mess up, and you will succeed if you keep working.
I thank you all who have supported me in any capacity this year and in the years prior and the years moving forward. I am beyond blessed and grateful. I hope that you all find peace, ease and joy in 2025!