Magic is the harnessing of what we are given naturally in the Earth and within ourselves. It is the movement, the harnessing of personal power and funneling it into intention, using it to nurture the outcomes in our lives that we are looking to manifest. It is neutral energy at its core, available for any and all. It is our intent that flavors the direction that it is used in, be it good, bad or indifferent. Magic is comprised of your personal power aided by earthly allies and universal connection. The seen and the unseen.
We often think that magic is something otherwordly, it comes in with a swish and a crackle, our hair stands on end and we feel the world go quiet for a moment. Truthfully, sometimes it is. Sometimes magic soars in, aided by otherworldly forces, making its presence known in a way that we can only describe in our dreams. I've been a folk practitioner for over 20 years and I can tell you this happens every once in a while. It is awe inspiring, breathtaking and a little unnerving.
However, magic for the most part is quiet. It's the little prayer you say before you leave your home to keep everyone safe. The petition you create for a better work opportunity, the candle lit to stave off the darkness of illness in a loved one. It is sachets of herbs in the pocket and whispers to the wind to carry to you what you seek. It is the carress of an autumnal breeze or the singing of sunbeams. It can be deep and dark when we need it to be, comforting, empowering.
Magic is energy, it is what we have been given and forgotten, lost in the shadows of modern technology. Taken from us or diluted in potency when we stopped remembering to honor and revere the earth and her keepers. When we ceased to heed the stars and bury our hands in the dirt. We have all the magic we need in our blood, breath, bones and brains. In the wind, water, earth and fire. We just have to remember how to get back to it.