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Energetic Deep Cleanse: About

Astrological Birth Chart

Astrology is the study of the celestial bodies and their positions as they travel through the sky, in relation to our natural world and their effect on it. A birth chart is a chart of where the sun, moon, planets and other heavenly bodies were at the moment of your birth. The placements of them can have a heavy impact on who you are, what paths you may follow in life and so much more. Understanding your birth chart can help you understand yourself on a deep level. Birth charts can be used for deep inner reflection, character development, shadow work and understanding why certain things may or may not work for you. There is so much a birth chart can help you with in terms of understanding the you that you are.

Availability for birth charts will be on a month-by-month basis, please message me with questions.

Basic Birth Chart

In the basic birth chart I use your birth date, time of birth and place of birth to generate the placements of the planets and other celestial bodies at the time of your birth, creating your unique birth chart. From there I break down the planetary placements and interpret them for you. This chart goes through the placements of the sun, moon, and planetary bodies as well as a few more placements like your Chiron and Lilith placements. The basic chart can give you an introductory glimpse into what makes you tick. 

PDF of your chart emailed to you.

60-minute session to go over your chart in depth.
Phone and Virtual sessions available!
Payment due in full at booking, non-refundable.

Must be 18 or over.

Advanced Birth Chart

In the advanced birth chart I use your birth date, time of birth and place of birth to generate the placements of the planets and other celestial bodies at the time of your birth, creating your unique birth chart. All the placements from the basic birth chart are included, as well as all of the house placements and some notable aspects. The astrological houses deepen our information about ourselves, what works for us and what doesn't and really creates a 3D view of you as a person in relation to astrology. With the houses we can investigate what kinds of work would suit you, where your biggest challenges are, what your psychic ability can be like and so much more, that is the tip of the iceberg.  

PDF of your chart emailed to you.

75-minute session to go over your chart in depth.
Phone and Virtual sessions available!
Payment due in full at booking, non-refundable.

Must be 18 or over.

 Legal Disclaimer

Astrological Birth Chart sessions do not replace medical or psychological help. Information that you may receive from any services, communications, or consultations rendered with Alyssa Cost-Byrne, Healing in the Cards, LLC, are for personal or educational purposes only and not intended to, nor should ever, take the place of any legal, medical, financial, psychological or other professional advice. Alyssa Cost-Byrne, Healing in the Cards, LLC, will not accept responsibility for any decisions that are personally made or actions taken by anyone based upon services, consultations, or communications received. The decisions, actions, and the consequences of the actions are solely your responsibility. You agree to completely hold harmless and indemnify Alyssa Cost-Byrne, Healing in the Cards, LLC, from any and all liabilities and expenses.

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